
Kateli | Solanum Surattence | kateli Choti |Kantkari | Pure Organic |100% Natural Products

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₹350.00 ₹200.00

It is bitter or pungent in nature and hot in effect because of which Kateri is used as a medicine for asthma, respiratory diseases, cough, nausea, digestive disorders, ear inflammation, hemorrhoids, pain and infection during urination and to promote sexual health. Read more

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Common Name : Kateli |Solanum Surattence | kateli Choti |Kantkari | Pure Organic  |100%  Natural Products 

Botanical Name :  Solanum virginianum

 Products :  Kateli  

Form Available : Powder / Churan 

Ingredient Used : Seed 

Country Of Origen : India 

Trade : Wholesale

Speciality  : Made From Pure, Authentic And Original Herbs. 

 Domestic Courier Partners : Delivery Blue Dart, TCI Freight, DTDC.

There are three species of Kateri plant namely Chota Kateri (Solanum virginiannumLinn), Bada Kateri (Solanum Bangui Lam) and White Kateri (Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal) which are all used as medicinal herbs to cure several diseases including migraine, kidney and bladder stone, liver enlargement, to name but a few.

Kateri works as a tonic for the liver. Regular intake of kateri decoction can reduce the infection and inflammation present in the liver. It is also beneficial for pregnant women to use Bhataiya.

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